UX bubble

Join us, February 6 - 10, 2023

UX bubble

UX Metrics Your Stakeholders Can't Ignore

Spark exceptional outcomes with metrics, not magic.

A picture of Jared with sparkles

A Leaders of Awesomeness intensive led by Jared Spool

Arrow pointing to the right

Make UX a priority without having to fight to make UX a priority.

Arrow pointing to the right

Promote great UX in terms your stakeholders and executives already understand.

UX Metrics are the cornerstone of a strong UX strategy

Few UX leaders realize how important having the right UX metrics is

Too many teams treat metrics as an afterthought. UX leaders try to use metrics to show the effectiveness of their teams’ efforts.

Interestingly, the most successful UX leaders treat their metrics quite differently.

These leaders use their UX metrics as the ticket out of their organization’s reactive "feature factory" approach. Through metrics, they increase collaboration with their product and development peers. In addition, they promote better experiences as a top-level organizational goal, not just a nice-to-have achievement for the UX team.

In this intensive, you’ll explore what these successful UX leaders have discovered. You’ll uncover the power of having UX metrics so strong that your stakeholders won’t ignore them.

The most successful leaders tell their story using UX metrics

Successful UX leaders use UX metrics to tell a story.

  • The story of the UX journey the organization is on
  • The story of where they started on this journey
  • The story of where they’re trying to get to
  • The story of the progress they’ve made
  • The story of the obstacles ahead

Effective UX metrics are how these UX leaders promote great UX throughout the organization. The metrics are how the leaders influence important design decisions, like which functionality should be built next. The UX metrics explain what success for new releases should look like.

Their stories must connect the metrics to the organization’s most essential objectives.

There’s no magic here.
Just simple-to-understand metrics.

 Lightbulb over the book. Line art.

It's not magic,
it's metrics!

Box with Magic coming out of it.

Metrics don't
come out of a
magic box.

Outcome-Driven UX Metrics: a unique approach to measuring the user experience

Conventional metrics focus on the wrong things

Too many UX leaders think of UX metrics as a separate discipline within UX, unrelated to the day-to-day work. Some leaders don’t think metrics are essential to their teams’ work.

We’ve met leaders who have split "quantitative UX research" into its own function, often putting the "quant people" into a separate group. These leaders have a tools-first approach, where they start their metrics efforts by surveying what the available tools and instruments can tell them.

These leaders end up with a mish-mash of charts and reports, but they have no way to connect them to the experiences of the users and customers. They reinforce the cycle that metrics aren’t that important to UX and only are needed when executives insist on them.

The problem with the conventional approach is that it measures the wrong things. The tools and instruments measure the behaviors of users. They don’t measure what’s truly important: the user's experience with your products or services.

Measuring the users’ experiences, not their behaviors

Outcome-Driven UX Metrics is our unique approach to measuring the users’ experiences. It’s not based on the magical thinking that you find in conventional UX metrics approaches. Instead, it’s driven by the most important outcomes for your users.

You’ll start with a simple question: How will you improve your users’ lives? You’ll build your metrics completely around this question.

We’re not starting with the analytics reports. Instead, we begin with the UX professional’s most powerful instrument: our keen observation.

Everything you can observe can be measured. You build your Outcome-Driven UX Metrics from what you see when you study your users’ and customers’ experiences.

Based on your observations, you determine what an improved user experience would look like. That becomes your UX success metric.

Then you identify what the journey is to achieving that success. The milestones along the way are your UX progress metrics.

Are there obstacles in your way? You can describe those challenges with problem-value metrics.

Each of these metrics categories helps you tell your UX journey’s story. The story of where you’re going, where you started, and how far along you are.

Outcome-Driven UX Metrics are simple in their concepts. Once you acquire the fundamentals, you’re ready to implement your own.

And once you implement your own Outcome-Driven UX Metrics, you’ve unleashed a superpower. You’ll spark exceptional outcomes with your UX metrics as the foundation.

Spark exceptional outcomes with metrics, not magic.

Join Now

February 6 - 10, 2023:
5 days that will change the way you work

This online workshop will be unlike any other workshop you’ve experienced. We call it an intensive because, well, it’s intense.

In five 90-minute sessions, you’ll join Jared Spool on a comprehensive exploration to develop your team’s own Outcome-Driven UX Metrics. You’ll complete your journey with metrics that your stakeholders won’t ignore.

Your metrics’ targets will capture the attention of your stakeholders and executives, raising the importance of UX within the organization. Your definition of project success will inspire your organization to deliver better-designed products and services.

Each day, from Monday, February 6, through Friday, February 10, you’ll attend a 90-minute session containing a new aspect of Outcome-Driven UX Metrics.

You can choose between the 2pm ET (19.00 GMT) or 7pm ET (24.00 GMT) sessions. Jared will be at both to guide you through the fundamentals and answer your questions.

Here’s what’s happening during the Intensive’s Fundamentals week:

Monday, February 6: Align Your Teams to Great UX with UX Outcomes

90 minutes at either 2pm ET (19.00 GMT) or 7pm ET (24.00 GMT)

Avoid the trap of measuring outputs when it’s outcomes you need to achieve.

Discover how to create effective UX Outcomes so that…

  • Your team and stakeholders clearly understand how everyone’s work is improving people’s lives.
  • You get everyone on the same page about what great UX looks like.
  • You can show how the next release’s features play a critical role in your long-term UX vision.
Tuesday, February 7: Score UX Improvements with Success Metrics

90 minutes at either 2pm ET (19.00 GMT) or 7pm ET (24.00 GMT)

Your team can’t win the race if nobody can find the finish line.

Explore how to create powerful Success Metrics so that…

  • Your entire team and your stakeholders know exactly what goals they need to aim for.
  • You know exactly when to celebrate your success.
  • Your leadership can clearly see that your work has improved your users’ lives.
Wednesday, February 8: Achieve Your UX Goals with Progress Metrics

90 minutes at either 2pm ET (19.00 GMT) or 7pm ET (24.00 GMT)

High-value, audacious goals take time. We need to show progress.

Discover how to create insightful Progress Metrics so that…

  • Your development and product teams are eager to prioritize the UX.
  • You know exactly what to report in your OKRs.
  • Your stakeholders immediately connect the UX improvement to key business goals.
Thursday, February 9: Win Essential Champions Using Problem-Value Metrics

90 minutes at either 2pm ET (19.00 GMT) or 7pm ET (24.00 GMT)

Grow executive support for high-value UX efforts.

Explore how to create influential Problem-Value Metrics so that…

  • You’re motivating senior leadership to take UX seriously because better UX is a win for everyone.
  • You’ve won over the finance department, as your UX efforts are shrinking corporate costs.
  • You now have key stakeholders singing the praises of better UX that improved their department’s fiscal performance.
Friday, February 10: Implement Your Outcome-Driven UX Measurements

90 minutes at either 2pm ET (19.00 GMT) or 7pm ET (24.00 GMT)

Start with what you want to measure. Then identify how you’ll measure it.

Discover novel measurement approaches so that…

  • You’ll capture the current state of your users’ and customers’ experiences.
  • You’ll know when to automate data collection or when simple observations will do the trick.
  • Your entire organization will make its top priority to improve the lives of your users.

An online workshop unlike any other

Roll up your sleeves and plan to get to work.

There won’t be fake companies to create over-simplified metrics for. Nothing here will be "practice."

Instead, you’ll be doing the actual work of crafting your team’s UX metrics. You’ll create industrial-strength metrics that will capture the attention of your executives and stakeholders.

You’ll use your Outcome-Driven UX Metrics workbook to guide your efforts. Then, you’ll start applying everything you learn right away.

You’ll come away from the intensive with your own custom set of metrics. Bring your team in on the process, and you’ll have even better results.

Might miss a session? No worries. We’ll be recording everything, so you can catch up on anything you miss.

You’ll have questions. We’re ready for that. The sessions are each 90 minutes, so we should have plenty of time.

And we’ll ensure you have the confidence you need to do this right. We have created a dedicated private area in our Leaders of Awesomeness community. Put your questions there for Jared and the community to share their thoughts.

Discuss the gnarliest of challenges, and you’ll come away with all the assurance you need that you’ve got this.

Can’t join the intensive? Get the lecture recordings

We know that not everyone has the resources to join us live. That’s ok.

You can get access to the video recordings of each day’s lectures.

(You won’t have the Q&As or the community access, though. That’s reserved for the folks who sign up for the Fundamentals package.)

Join Now

Ready to make metrics happen?
Join our VIP program

Are you ready to implement your Outcome-Driven UX Metrics right away? Then sign up for our limited-enrollment Advanced Concepts VIP Package.

This package gives you exclusive priority time with Leslie and Jared in extra sessions that dive into the nuances and subtleties you’ll need. You’ll get the implementation tips, techniques, and tricks to ensure your success.

This package is only available to the first 50 people who sign up, so you don’t want to delay.

The Advanced Concepts VIP Package includes everything in the Fundamentals Package (described above), plus:

VIP-Only Intensive Prep Coaching Session with Dr. Leslie Jensen-Inman

Tuesday, January 31

60 minutes at either 11 am ET (16.00 GMT) or 2 pm ET (19.00 GMT) or 7 pm ET (24.00 GMT)

This Intensive will change how your organization values, conduct, and benefits from Outcome-Driven UX Metrics. That is, it will if you’re prepared.

Attend one of the Intensive Prep Coaching sessions in January with Dr. Leslie Jensen-Inman. She’ll work with you to come up with the best plan.

Getting the most from the Intensive will be different for each UX leader. It totally depends on your situation.

When you meet with Leslie, you’ll share the most important results you want to get from the Intensive. She’ll pick out specific resources for you to get started on so you have a headstart on the concepts. You’ll get a tailored plan to best create your own Outcome-Driven UX Metrics.

Advanced Concepts VIP-Only Sessions

Monday, February 13: Get Executive Buy-in on Your UX Outcomes

90 minutes at either 2pm ET (19.00 GMT) or 7pm ET (24.00 GMT)

Your Outcome-Driven UX Metrics become far more powerful when you’ve gotten buy-in from the essential stakeholders and champions.

Explore the techniques successful UX leaders use to create UX outcomes their stakeholders and executives love and support.

Tuesday, February 14: Identify Your UX Metrics Using Advanced User Research Methods

90 minutes at either 2pm ET (19.00 GMT) or 7pm ET (24.00 GMT)

You’ll likely need to up your UX research game to deliver high-powered UX metrics.

Discover how successful UX leaders have increased their organization’s research maturity, providing new insights that drive better-designed products and services.

Thursday, February 16: Integrate your UX Metrics Into Your Org’s Goals

90 minutes at either 2pm ET (19.00 GMT) or 7pm ET (24.00 GMT)

Outcome-driven UX metrics are not just for the UX team. They’re for the entire organization.

Explore how you’ll create and promote metrics that become critical user-centered targets for your entire organization to achieve.

VIP-Only Get UnStuck Sessions with Jared Spool

When up-leveling your UX metrics capability, it’s hard to know what challenges you’ll encounter. Maybe you’ve encountered obstacles that have you baffled. Or you’ve encountered resistance and objections that have you stopped in your tracks.

Come discuss exactly what’s got you stuck at these Unstuck Sessions. Share what’s happening (or not happening) with Jared Spool. He’s worked with so many organizations that he knows all the tricks to overcome the most difficult obstacles. He’ll give you fresh ideas and insights that will get you moving forward again, faster than before.

Get Your Outcome-Driven UX Metrics Started Immediately

You’ll have the access you need to our expertise and knowledge. In addition, we’ll give you special access to a VIP-only limited community space, where your questions will get priority answers.

We’ll put together special resources tailored to your challenges and needs. And you’ll have a way to reach out to get the mentorship and coaching you need to ensure success.

The Advanced Concepts VIP Package is only available to a small group, so we can give everyone the top-priority service they need. Don’t delay in signing up because this package will sell out quickly.

Join Now

Led by Jared Spool, Maker of Awesomeness

Everything you learn in this 5-day Intensive comes directly from Jared’s years of working across industries, discovering the best practices for organizations to deliver well-designed products and services.

His experience, working with design leaders of organizations like IBM, NASA, GE, Fidelity Investments, GM, Exxon Mobil, and the Obama White House, has taught him exactly what teams need to mount strategic, influential UX research initiatives.

You’ll love his stories, his ability to demonstrate every point with a simple, concrete example, and his comically adorable attempts at trying to draw out his ideas. (You can’t fault him for trying, though.)

Most importantly, you’ll love how much smarter you’ll feel after spending a few minutes absorbing his experience-informed wisdom. Don’t pass up this opportunity to glean everything you can from Jared.

Jared Spool

The right metrics don't come out of a magic box,
they come from your users.

Spark exceptional outcomes with UX metrics

Ready to dive in deep and absorb everything there is to know about Outcome-Driven UX Metrics? We have three packages for you to choose from,

Outcome-Driven UX Metrics Fundamentals Package

February 6 - 10, 2023

Individual: $447 per person

Team (2 or more): $397 per person

Only 15 spaces are available.

They’ll go fast!


What's Included:

  • Five 90-minute live sessions with Jared Spool.

  • Ground-breaking concepts behind:

    • UX Outcomes
    • UX Success Metrics
    • UX Progress Metrics
    • Problem-Value Metrics
    • Instrumenting Outcome-based UX Measurements

  • Your Outcome-Driven UX Metrics Planning Workbook.

  • Access to extended resources for developing your UX metrics strategy.

  • A private community to get your questions answered by Jared and other members.

  • 9 months of access to all session recordings, Q&As, and notes (through Nov 6, 2023).

Advanced Concepts VIP Package

February 6 - 16, 2023

Individual: $647 per person

Team (2 or more): $597 per person

Only 15 spaces are available.

They'll go even faster!


What's Included:

  • Five 90-minute live sessions with Jared Spool.

  • Ground-breaking concepts behind:

    • UX Outcomes
    • UX Success Metrics
    • UX Progress Metrics
    • Problem-Value Metrics
    • Instrumenting Outcome-based UX Measurements

  • Three additional 90-minute live sessions. Only for VIP members.

  • Gain confidence with tailored coaching to:

    • Create your UX Outcomes
    • Identify your team’s target metrics.
    • Integrate your UX metrics into organizational goals

  • A 60-minute VIP-only Intensive Prep Coaching session with Dr. Leslie Jensen-Inman.

  • Two 90-minute VIP-only Get Unstuck sessions with Jared Spool.

  • Your Outcome-Driven UX Metrics Planning Workbook.

  • Access to extended resources for developing your UX metrics strategy.

  • An intimate, private community of only VIP members with Jared and Leslie to get the mentoring you need to be successful.

  • 9 months of access to all VIP session recordings, Q&As, and notes (through Nov 6, 2023).

Recordings-Only Package

$97 per Person


What's Included:

  • 9 months of access to the five intensive session recordings and notes (through Nov 6, 2023).

Catch the lectures on your own schedule.

Note: The Recordings-Only package does not include any of the Q&A or attendance to the live sessions. It’s only the recordings of the lectures.